Esalen Massage Deep Bodywork Rolfing Spinal Awareness CranioSacral Lymph Drainage Zero Balancing Process Acupressure Spiritual Massage

California Certified
Massage Therapist

Esalen Massage

Now Available:
Sound Healing

Rolfing (or Structural Integration)

Rolfing, or Structural Integration, has been called a movement education that can reorganize the entire body in gravity.

Structural Integration encourages changes in the body's myofascial system (the neuromuscular connective tissues of the body) through the use of pressure and simple movements that activate and reorient specific muscles of the body.

Developed by Dr. Ida Rolf more than 50 years ago, who discovered that remarkable changes in posture and structure could be achieved through somatic manipulation. Dr. Rolf named her new discovery Structural Integration, but it is widely recognized today as Rolfing.

Structural Integration has the ability to dramatically alter a person's posture, structure, and overall health by helping the body make more efficient use of its muscles, thereby allowing the body to conserve energy. Everyone from athletes and dancers to business professionals and children can find positive healing benefits with Rolfing. Structural Integration can be used to ease pain and chronic stress while improving performance in professional and daily activities.

For more information please visit the Rolf Institute Website or the The Guild for Structural Integration.


Half off intro session in April!